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  Hai rings, what are they good for ? No please do tell me !
  Mena 4/14/2018 11:41:43 AM 1961

It's Mena here, as we all know refining can be made more successful with the use of a Hai ring, it seems that the NPCs tend to concentrate a little harder when we include them while refining lol. Now in all seriousness the way Hai rings work is that they vary from LvL 1 -9, with 9 presumably being better than LvL 1 (that's the common consensus at least). In addition to a Hai ring's LvL they can also have bonuses attached to them +1 or +2. The second number indicated the number of re-roll attempts while refining your item.

Now... If you're still reading, thank you for 1, and for 2 , my question is what are the exact values that correspond to a Hai ring's LvL. What does a Hai ring actually do !? To my understanding the most significant use of a Hai ring so far is the ability to grant additional re-rolls, however, there are no figures attached to the Hai rings within the ThangDB. Does a Hai ring LvL 1 boost the success rate by 1% ? (which is still very much appreciated) If so does a Hai rings level correlate to each additional 1% of increased success rate where LvL 9 grants an additional 9% success ? (once again very much appreciated !). A LvL 9 +2 Hai ring ring sells for about 4 mil, whereas a LvL 8 +2 Hai ring sells for around 400k, is the additional 3.6 mil trully worth an additional 1% over 3 rolls ? Truth be told I don't care about what people sell their rings for :) I just want some help knowing which I should buy.

Thanks for reading, would be a great help to get some values attached to Hai rings to make them a little less enigmatic, the database is wonderful in every other department just not when it comes to understanding Hais.

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